The Fascinating World of Playing Cards
Yasha Beresina LLB
Yasha Beresiner is a past master of the Worshipful Company of Makers of Playing Cards. Born in Istanbul to a Russian father and Greek mother he has a polyglot background having also lived in various countries in the early years of his life. He is an established member of the numismatic fraternity in England and America. The author of many books and articles on a variety of subjects, for example The Collectors Guide to Paper Money; British County Maps; Colombian Currency; The Paper Tiger (Israel-Arab conflict), as well as articles in newspapers and magazines, he is well experienced in addressing a wide range of audiences.
We will be given an insight into the history behind the cards we use today. Playing cards originally date from 1377 and there are surviving decks from as early as 1475. The English took their playing cards from the French. The Worshipful Company of the Makers of Playing Cards, one of the many trade guilds of the City of London, was founded to protect the importation of French and other foreign cards into England. The Company was granted its Charter in 1628. Many established artists and engravers designed playing cards.